Monday 11 February 2008

~The importance of frame control.~

Many times I see young children with mothers. The kid misbehaves, the mother reacts aggressively towards the child. I notice it in poorer neighbourhoods in greater frequency then well off ones.

The child is setting the frame.

The mothers reality here is weak. She is reacting to the child. She is not doing her job correctly. She probably works too much, her husband is probably a dick. She is stressed and living in the past, in the future, in the soap opera that she watches on tv.

Her own life is a soap opera. She flitters to and fro.

All this could easily be changed with her taking a step back, accepting the childs frame, but bringing the child into her own self initiated positive frame as opposed to reacting to the childs negative ego driven frame.

Negative mothers are in large part responisble for the creation of faulty ego's. Negative fathers too.

An old lady I know. Went home one day to find a huge criminal looking male in her house. She of course was scared. Would he try to kill her? Would he take her treasured belongings?

The frame for these few seconds was his. A cornered bear is dangerous.

She could have run away. She could have screamed. These acts would have potentially got her killed. They would have been reactive. She would have been entering the intruders reality.

But this old lady, she has her own unshakable reality so she asks him.

'Are you ok? Would you like a cup of tea and a chat?'

They had tea together. They talked a while about his problems. They talked about her problems. He left.

Now I'm not suggesting being nice to people who intrude into your property. I'm suggesting you take a firm look at your behaviour. When is it reactive, when is it initiating? When is it that other people set the frame and take you into their reality, when is it that you set the frame and let people share with you yours?

If you've been living in the now suggested in the previous post you're going to notice a lot of the things you do, that used to think you did according to your will, were entirely externally caused, they were reactive they were not initiated by the self.

You often will notice your self shouting back at some one. You're going to watch your self shout back. When you never wanted to. It's usually on auto pilot.

It is not very Jedi. You let your self be dragged into their reality. It isn't usually conscious.

I'm not saying you should go about asserting your self everywhere non stop. I'm saying when there is someone who's reality, who's frame, is beautiful by all means let their frame mingle with yours, but when there is someone whose frame is ugly why let your self enter into ugliness?

If you go to night clubs much you're going to notice it a lot. I view them as a speeded up microcosm of society as a whole. The people are many, in a relatively small space. Inhibitions lowered due to alcohol, drugs, the dark. You would be surprised how a seemingly hostile group can be drawn into your reality, brought in line with the frame you set, follow you about the whole night and all it takes is effective frame control, which results from the energy you exude, the body language you exert, the words you speak.

Of greater importance then the what is the how.

As supposedly enlightened Jedi it's important to recognise when it's good to let others frames mingle with yours and when to eliminate their frame entirely and in its place put something else.
Illumination one.

You are not the thinker
Knowing this enables you to observe 'the thinker'. The moment you start watching 'the thinker', a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realise that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realise that all the things that truly matter – beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace – arise from beyond the mind.
You begin to awaken, freeing yourself from your mind.

~Eckhart Tolle

You are not your thoughts. You are not your emotions.
You're not the fingernails on your fingers ends.
You're not your hands or your feet or your mouth.
You're not your hair.

They're part of you. They're not the essence.
It's important that these words be internalised.

This is not a read me and throw away lecture. What this piece of writing is, is a way of life, a way of mind, a way of BEING.

Internalise the ideas woven in the fabric of these words and you will find your self.
Buddha like.
At one.

Yes. That's what I'm offering here.

Enlightenment. Aura expansion. The greatest you could be.

On a piece of paper, in your computer, it's useless. Left there, it doesn't do anything, you won't have an idea what I'm talking about. It's a process you can only implement within yourself. It raises your self. It is, well, it's quite zen.

The Now

BE now.

1.Empty your mind.

2.There is no past.

3.Likewise, there is no future.

I mean do it. Really do it. Do it now.

You're going to find that what's left when you remove the past, which doesn't really exist, and remove the future

1.There is the now, the current moment. That's all there ever was, that's all there ever is, that's all there ever will be.

Look about you. You're sitting at a computer in a room some where in the world. The screen is bright, the walls are around you. It might be warm or cold and the sun might be shining in through the window. Rain might be falling softly outside.
It's real. It's beautiful, it's depth ridden.
It's rich, like christmas pudding. Its sweet, sweeter then candy. There might be music, maybe silence embraces you.
There is only really the now. It's the gift of existence. Now.
It's all we have, it is what it is.

I used to read about meditation, the emptying of the mind. I always heard it was a good thing, I couldn't see why an empty mind would really be a good thing. It seemed to be covered in mystique.

It takes time to achieve, it takes effort.

Yet the mind is never truly empty. Telling someone not to think is almost like telling someone not to think about elephants.

How can you stop yourself from thinking then? The answer here is you don't. You continue to let your mind think. You let the thoughts come, you accept them, you let them go.

Watch them.

Let them pass.

Was there a sad feeling? Was there a happy one? Well, that's good, the sad feeling, it isn't so awful really. It is what it is.

Underneath it, underneath the ideas, the ever streaming thoughts, underneath the violent emotions, there is an infinite well of joy.


